What Is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been mined for hundreds of years.
Asbestos fibres are fireproof and very durable and have been manufactured into many different materials.
An asbestos fibre is 50 to 200 times thinner than a human hair, can float in the air for a long time, can be invisible to the naked eye and can be breathed into the lungs.
Working out how and when you breathed in asbestos dust can be difficult. An asbestos solicitor will help you with this.
A specialist asbestos solicitor will help identify where you could have breathed in asbestos dust by going through your family and work history with you.
Exposure to asbestos dust normally happens when a product containing asbestos is disturbed and asbestos fibres or dust are released into the air.
Asbestos was manufactured in a large number of products in the UK particularly between 1930 and 1980. A specialist asbestos solicitor will go through these products with you. Some of the asbestos products are listed below:
Asbestos insulation board e.g. Asbestolux

Asbestos rope
Asbestos partitions
Asbestos insulation quilts
Asbestos clothing

This page was last updated on: 18 Apr 2017, 8:44 a.m.